The Mythical Man-Month
Frederick P. Brooks Jr.
Rating: 7.1/10.0
I purchased this book as a parting gift for the project manager of my
first co-op term. Unsurprisingly, having never managed a software
project before, I did not find this book as profound as a PM probably
would. Furthermore, some topics discussed are completely outdated now,
like how to efficiently allocate usage of the mainframe so everyone gets
a chance to debug (imagine not being able to just ask ChatGPT). So
because of my youth and inexperience, this book gets a lower rating than
it probably deserves. Here are some interesting takeaways.
Unlike strawberry picking, adding more people to a programming team
will not always get the job done faster. Reasons include the cost of
training, time spent communicating, and the existence of
unparitionable sequenced tasks like debugging that do not get faster
with more people.
Conceptual integrity should be elitist. A small group of architects
can develop a more effective design to be implemented by a larger
group of implementors. The two groups must communicate, but never
overreach their responsibilities.
Second-System Effect: The second iteration of a product tends to be
In the life cycle of a product, many bugs are found at the beginning.
As these are fixed and new features are added, users reach a "new
plateau of sophistication" and more subtle bugs reveal themselves.
Thus the graph of bugs against time tends to be U-shaped.
Program maintenance increases 'program entropy'. In later fixes,
programmers spend more time fixing flaws introduced by earlier fixes.
Eventually, a rewrite is required.
IRL Update (01/08/2024): I read this book in August 2023 but never got
the chance to write something before school started. Then I put it off
and forgot about it. Better late than never though right?