My (not so) Secret Projects

Hi! You probably stumbled upon this page by accidentally left-clicking the copyright text at the bottom of the main page. That's actually the only way to access this page.

I'm not too sure what the future holds for this section of the website. As you can see, I currently only have a single "secret" project. I think it would be cool to periodically provide updates of my progress on long-term (3+ year) projects here.

Also please do let me know if you have suggestions for better colour schemes, this page looks pretty ugly :P

1. Chopin Etude Challenge

3 AUG 2023 - Present

It's been 6 years since I last visited my piano teacher. I've still been playing, but probably not improving very quickly. There are many songs I would like to play that are currently outside of my pay grade. By learning all 24 of Chopin's etudes I hope to improve my technical abilities, fix old bad habits, and build practice discipline in the hopes of mastering harder repertoire in the future!

Chopin portrait